by Robert Askins
Directed by Kevin Nessman
Production dates:
December 1-16, 2023
(Fridays & Saturdays at 8 PM,
Sunday 12/3 & 12/10 at 3 PM)
The Squirrels is hilarious, allegorical, and an observant reflection of our own society of haves and have nots. All is not well in the heart of the tree. Sciurus, the patriarch of a family of gray squirrels, has collected enough nuts to last ten winters. When a group of starving fox squirrels begs him to share his hoard of food, animosity erupts into a ferocious war that threatens to tear apart his world and his family. Imagine if Shakespeare or Tolstoy wrote about squirrels and you get the picture.
Gordon Ellis as Scientist
Jim Barton as Sciurus
Jennifer Fielding as Mammalia
Delaney Bala as Chordata
Shawna Ciampa as Rodentia
Billy Del Sesto as Carolinensis
Jason Rutledge as Sciuridae
with Lucy Auger, Adam Conn, Kristiana Graves Floss, and Shelley Wood as Squirrel Ensemble